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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[CE] Seperate

   An incredible separation to help two babies stay alive... A crazy surgery was done to two Sudanese children, both born together and born conjoined. The video that is linked, was a big eye opener for me, I never would have ever expected watching a video of a pair of twins being separated. The 11 month children were conjoined by the head, which I thought was very interesting. Knowing that a procedure like this, is a complete 1 in a 1,000,000 is breath taking. The surgeons and parents are both very brave to put this to the test risking the two children for life or death and of course amazingly they managed to survive.
   If I had twins and they were conjoined by the head or anywhere, I would be highly terrified and scared for the two children. To know that from the DNA and certain genes and cells the children may be born in a way to the point where they are conjoined. But I hope that my children in the future will hopefully not be conjoined, if so then I would do everything to try and get them separated. The surgery for this, must be a fortune, knowing that it'd take hours and every drop of sweat to get this procedure done correct and safely. To conclude this eye bobbling blog, I would hope that all conjoined twins will make it through an incredible surgery or process to help them and parents be happy.... and this concludes my current events post, goodbye now.

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