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Friday, September 9, 2011

School is Cool

      Some say that school, is the most boring and worst thing ever. I believe that school is actually somewhat "Cool", the way you act and picture school is what makes a person think that school is stupid or time wasting. I imagine it as a place to make new friends and create some knowledge from the oh so boring thing called LEARNING. School is there for a reason, not as a prison or place to throw crap loads of work at you, the reason why they give us students all this work is so we can learn for reality. You can still talk to friends and socialize, but at the same time know whats going on in the classroom!
      When you actually pay attention in class, you know that you're making a difference to yourself, allowing yourself to becoming stronger and better with that knowledge. You can also make a difference to your friends by allowing to follow your incredible attitude at school. Now what does this have to do with school being cool? You'll notice a difference between how you were before hating school, to knowing that you are using school the way it should be. Take advantage of this, get it out of the way and you'll be prepared for school!!!! Do this to make yourself a better person, do it for YOU!


  1. Hey Nick, I used a quote here for a response post.

  2. hey i responded to this quote, just letting u know.
