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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi I'm Nick.....

      Hello world, I'm a teenage boy named Nick! I would like to introduce myself to all of you! I was born in the incredible city of Oakland California, which is known as the Bay Area. I was born on November 27, 1996, which was Thanksgiving Holiday, making me a thankful gift upon my parents. When I was born my parents were living in Oakland, but not together, two years after I was born my parents had unfortunately split up. At the age of 4 I was put in elementary at Bay Farm Elementary school in Alameda, you might be wondering why there when I lived in Oakland right? Well it was really close to my grandparents house where they took care of me, while my mom and step father were at work.
      In the second grade we had moved even farther from Bay Farm all the way to San Leandro, where I still had gone to Bay Farm School. At the fourth grade I finally moved to Bay Farm and lived on Bay Farm ever since. Well enough about me living everywhere, me time now, I'm 14 years old a sophomore at Alameda High School and I hate school. But I just go with it and try not to complain about how horrible it is, which is a struggle but at least I have friends to talk to while time is passing. Lets see, I LOVE cars, some people find it weird how cars are really interesting, but I grew up with cars, toy cars and real cars. I don't like all cars, but Ferrari's, Lamborghini's are the cars that I love, its my passion. Most of the knowledge in my head is probably about cars or music, which is another incredible topic that everyone loves.
      Hobbies, I'm honestly not that active of a person, I enjoy playing Call of Duty when there is nothing to do or hang out with my friends. I find it difficult to decide who to hang out with though, it'll take me at least 15 minutes to decide on anything I would want to do and whatever happens I'm fine with. Sports aren't that big to me, but I try to stay skinny at least or at my average weight for my height. If I were to choose a sport to play though it'd be basketball, basketball is honestly one of the biggest and popular sports out there! Everyone discusses about basketball, its a sport that uses all of your muscles, but all sports do and its some what fast paced which I like actually. 
      Well to finish my first blog, I would like to say I am tired and want to go to sleep, because I love sleeping like all teens do. I'm glad to let the world know who I am by introducing myself and would like to read other peoples blogs about themselves and other topics they have to offer. Once again I'm Nick and I will now go to sleep, so goodbye and goodnight.....

1 comment:

  1. So, you don't play sports? Welp, if you ever decide to play a sport, choose rugby. It is the best sport out there, I swear. You'll have tons of fun and definitely get a really good work out from it. Lol.
