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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free: XBOX or PS3

   The argument, between the two most popular gaming systems out there. Towards my opinion, I believe that XBOX is the best between the two, everyone complains about the PS3 controller being to small and so do the Play Station players. XBOX has the perfect size controller and it feels perfect to the touch, the controllers are rounded so they have a more better grip to it. Graphics on both consoles vary though, it all depends if you have an HDMI cable, which enhances the definition of the visual quality. Yes even though you must pay 60$ to play a year of XBOX Live and PS3 is free, XBOX has fire wall, so it is almost unhackable. Unlike the PS3 which has been hacked by dumb people who try to receive money to give back the servers.
   Now I'm not hating on the PS3, which some people might think I am doing, but I myself own a PS3 and to me PS3 does have incredible graphics and has some games that are better than 360 games. But as myself I just prefer the XBOX over the PS3, because I'm just so used to it, so everyone stop pissing about which console is better, just play the damn game.... More features are put in the XBOX and one of the best features the system has is the XBOX Live party. This feature allows you to be in a party with 7 other people and allows all of you to interact with each other, this feature was not put in for the Play Station, which is unfortunate. Now enough of this arguing about the systems, I'm pretty sure you all know which system I prefer and I would love to know which system you prefer more.... XBOX or PS3?

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