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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] I'm Trapped

   A young man wakes up, from a long sleep. Waking up and finding himself in a pitch black room, chills crawling up his spine as he looks around finding nothing but darkness. Seeming as if it were a dream, while he felt his face to see and finds out its as real as can be. Taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down, he notices his breath is cold like ice. Trapped surrounded by who knows what, he walks around the room trying to find something like a wall or switch to turn on the lights. His heart racing and a "cling" a sound like metal hitting the wall, he reaches toward the ground and feels stone, cold stone. Reaching towards the sound, he feels something smooth, picking it up and grasping it he cuts himself, a sharp pain going through his hand, he screams. The sound echoes throughout the dark hall.
   He falls onto his knees grabbing his hand trying to stop the gooey blood from leaving his body. Tearing off a piece of his shirt and wrapping over the cut, he continues to walk. Each step feels like a mile, his legs falling over his feet, extremely tired, but won't give up until he finds a way to escape this Hell. Hours pass and he still can't find out where to go, it feels like he's gone in circles. Trying to feel for the walls, but he slips and falls, getting back up trying to look for the damn wall, but it just continues. The hallway seems much colder than before, shaking from being so cold, he sits down and rolls into a ball to keep himself warm. In his mind, he's thinking "I'm gona die" but his body still pushes for the exit.
   Grrrrr, noticing a sound, he has no clue from which direction the sound came from. But he doesn't know that the sound was his own stomach growling, he was becoming hungry. His throat also begins to dry up gasping in need of water, all he can do is spit his saliva into his hands and drink it. Thinking about how he got here and why they chose him. Walking further and further he feels as if he were to die in just minutes and then he beings to become paranoid, hearing screeching through his ears it feels like something is breathing against his neck, ready to jump and devour him. Terrified he begins to run and sweat, he can't feel his legs, running and running. He turns around to see nor hear anything, turning around and continues to walk, when suddenly "doonk" he hits head against something and falls over on his back. Feeling his head a bump had lied on his forehead.
   Reaching out for what might have hit him, he notices the wall dropped, to the point to where he must crouch through the path. Minutes later, his knees begin to ache, when will this tiring pain stop. Mean while, he catches his breath panting hard not in control of his breathing, once he looks up he notices a small orange light. Again he begins to sprint, but instead towards an object. Every step the light begins to become smaller and smaller, eventually he reached the light! Until he notices he was in a vast forest crawling with trees, night is coming and darkness is on its way again. He falls in sadness and deep deep rage, will he survive this forest, will he make his way home or will he die from starvation......

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