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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] Steve Jobs and his advice

   Steve Jobs was a very innovative man, creating the iPod and other electronics such as the iPad which was one of the most revolutionary computers to be built. By his advice, telling people to live there life as if there life were to end sooner then they had thought. If my life were close to ending, I would do everything that I thought would end my life or everything that I was afraid of. Making the choices that I always declined, would completely change my life. While Jobs was living his life, doing what he loved as he had already known that he was soon to die. From Steve's advice, it seems as if he were trying to tell everyone, including himself to be happy throughout their life and live like never before.
   It takes courage to do all of the activities you thought about, but never tried doing. To live life as if it were your last couple of days seems too hectic, but if you thought to yourself that you just might not be able to ever do it again, you'll think twice and might end up doing it. The movie Keith, by Todd Kesler, is a movie that is so similar to Jobs advice. Steve Jobs was one of the most innovative people to live, pushing himself to the fullest since he was doing what he loved. Even though he was a dropout in college, he still made a difference to people by producing some of the hottest stuff on the market. Now if we could influence people from Jobs advice, but to do the right things that help themselves and other people, this world could be a whole different world. I never would have thought about doing things as if it were my last day to live. Because to me I wouldn't be in school or even doing this.... I would put it as an experience that I might be able to do again. But, Steve was very happy with his thought and put it out to carry on with his own life. Many people didn't think of Steve Jobs as a very important person, until he died.
   Hopefully Apple will continue with there path to complete Steve's life and work for the industry. After his death, I have noticed many billboards with many of Jobs quotes, thinking to myself Steve was a very important man.... I myself have an iPod touch, which many others do as well, but when I look, listen to my music, and do all of the other activities I do with it, I sometimes think how someone like Steve, took the time to find out what people needed and make everything as much simple as anything could be. From now on I might wake up and think about the things I could do before I die. But I wont die until a while, and maybe you might think about it also and you can make a difference with just saying yes. You could make a difference to yourself and maybe people around you...

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