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Friday, October 14, 2011

[Re] How is school now?

School so far is alright. Not like freshmen year when everything was so new to me. Places you can eat, ways to get around school. It's my second year of high school and I'm already tired of seeing Alameda High.
   This is a quote from Christian's blog about the first couple weeks of school. I completely agree with Christian on this statement about AHS, school was completely awesome the first couple of weeks and then it was a daily routine of waking up completely tired and all. Freshmen year was great having to learn the campus being the smallest of the crowd and just getting to know everything. But sophomore year just completely different, unlike last year.
   Sophomore year having to do this process of waking up early going to school and it being incredibly cold in the morning, it was terrible. But its like the same way I had felt the past years in school, just not as interesting after you get used to the school. Saying that I will be here for two more years after my sophomore year isn't too fun to hear also. Yah new classes and teachers, but its the same thing over, a month of school has gone by already too. I don't hate school its just like as if I were to be a robot programed to do this and that day after day. School always has its days, where it might actually be fun, or its a terrible day and you just don't ever want to go back. But what I'm trying to say is, school needs a bit more spice in it on a daily basis, we shouldn't have the daily routine of going here then there and be given lectures and homework. But what I do like about AHS is the block schedule. Block schedule will always be something I actually like about my week.

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