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Friday, October 14, 2011

Free: Homework

   Homework, one of the biggest enemies for a student, is homework. All students go through this terrible creation through all of their school years. Kids or adults think that its a waste of time when they could be playing or out with there friends, there are even some teachers that find it terrible. But most teachers that don't like giving homework, are too lazy to grade it or just think its pointless. But I would be very happy if I had a year of school that none of the teachers gave out assignments to the students, which allows kids to become much much more social with there friends. Homework is really a pain in the ass, having to bring different books with you, unless you keep them at home.
   Now I understand the point of teachers giving homework, so we could learn. But homework encourages students to not want to learn, because of the large amounts of assignments given to us. Especially in high school, where you could be given a large project and a ton of homework all due on the same day and that day there might also be a test, such a hassle for students. One of my current teachers has a saying that "All students learn at a different rate, so they should be given all the time they want." but still gives us a mountain of homework and a quiz every two days.... Sometimes I just don't understand teachers, but its just life and you got to deal with the homework....

1 comment:

  1. I responed to this post.

