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Monday, October 24, 2011

[RE] What is Alameda?

People say they're always bored of Alameda but I think its only boring if you make it boring. You can have a lot of fun here if you're not hella negative about everything. (Well for me at least) I can never really be bored of Alameda. I always find something to do here.
   This statement, which was said by Peter Nguyen, is completely true. Alameda is not all that boring, unless if you are a person who has no life and thinks its the worst place in the world. I myself have much to do in this small yet somewhat nice city. I have much to do in Alameda during my spare time, I hangout with friends around Bay Farm or on Park st. which is fairly populated with not too much and not too less people on the sidewalks. If I don't exactly have anything to do to keep myself occupied, I manage to find something to do, like going to a friends house or just relaxing at a popular hangout spot. But all those people calling Alameda hella boring, stupid, and other crap like that are just completely lazy and boring themselves.
   Now all of the people that find this small city boring are just stating there lives, which is probably boring or just negative, as stated in Peter's post. You could go to the park or something with your friends and play some ball, there are hella parks in Alameda. All the schools in Alameda or a bit fun too, play hide and seek, which seems childish, but is actually very fun at a school where only you and your friends are hanging out at. But honestly to say Alameda is boring really defines who you are, you might need more to entertain you, but all I'm trying to say is that keeping yourself occupied will make you love and be able to survive in Alameda.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] Less School Time

Yesterday basically helped me release so much stress from school, even though it was only an extra four hours. I hope we can get out early more in the days to come, even though  it's not really that good to get out early since we learn "less".
   This quote explains how probably most people felt yesterday, I pulled this off of Ken's post. Yesterday there was a drill where some people had gone to practice what to do if a real lockdown had happened, for 20 hours of community service. The twenty hours were needed to graduate, but the other students, like me, who aren't lazy to achieve these 20 hours were given an awesome amount of free time, away from school and luckily from home. I felt so happy to be able to have those couple of hours to be free and get my homework out of the way and then just hangout with friends for a good six hours.
   The year who be amazing if we were given a day or two each month to leave school at 11, well besides star testing. In the quote above, the last part states that we'd learn "less", even though its true, I'm pretty sure teachers would like leaving school early too. But it felt good to have less time in school, especially with almost know homework, so I was able to knockout my homework and then kick-it for the rest of the day. Unfortunately it had gotten really ugly that same afternoon, which made me leightweight depressed. But overall I was having a blast with my friends walking down park st. going up the parking lot, and being able to do the things I wouldn't have the time to do on normal school days. Can't wait to have another day like this or another break of school to release my stress and not have to worry about school.

Free: Simulation to Reality

   One of the latest games on the XBOX 360 console is Forza Motorsport 4, a semi-simulation racing game. The game was released on October 11, 2011, and then was rated a 4.9 out of 5 and 5/5 on the G4 ratings. I am a huge car enthusiast and fanatic, people call me crazy, but I love cars, and I believe that the Forza series was incredible. But this game, caught my eyes as soon as I had seen the first preview for it, toward the end of Summer vacation. To me cars and racing is a great match for me, especially when you get the actual feeling of going 100 miles per hour. In Forza, the realism and graphics is as real as can be, given that the game was created by Microsoft themselves.
   Most of the cars I know what they look like and what certain features to the point where I can actually picture the whole vehicle in my mind. But in the game I dont need to, because they put all those small specific things that complete the car to make it as good as possible. I am very happy to be an owner of this game, hoping that they will add more cars to the game and of course keep continuing the series. But the whole reason I was so glued to this game, was because I haven't seen a game that put all of the things about cars that I loved to a disc that takes about 3gb's of space from your hard drive. Thats basically why this game had caught my eye, and after it was released I couldn't shut up about it.... 

Friday, October 14, 2011

[Re] How is school now?

School so far is alright. Not like freshmen year when everything was so new to me. Places you can eat, ways to get around school. It's my second year of high school and I'm already tired of seeing Alameda High.
   This is a quote from Christian's blog about the first couple weeks of school. I completely agree with Christian on this statement about AHS, school was completely awesome the first couple of weeks and then it was a daily routine of waking up completely tired and all. Freshmen year was great having to learn the campus being the smallest of the crowd and just getting to know everything. But sophomore year just completely different, unlike last year.
   Sophomore year having to do this process of waking up early going to school and it being incredibly cold in the morning, it was terrible. But its like the same way I had felt the past years in school, just not as interesting after you get used to the school. Saying that I will be here for two more years after my sophomore year isn't too fun to hear also. Yah new classes and teachers, but its the same thing over, a month of school has gone by already too. I don't hate school its just like as if I were to be a robot programed to do this and that day after day. School always has its days, where it might actually be fun, or its a terrible day and you just don't ever want to go back. But what I'm trying to say is, school needs a bit more spice in it on a daily basis, we shouldn't have the daily routine of going here then there and be given lectures and homework. But what I do like about AHS is the block schedule. Block schedule will always be something I actually like about my week.

Free: Homework

   Homework, one of the biggest enemies for a student, is homework. All students go through this terrible creation through all of their school years. Kids or adults think that its a waste of time when they could be playing or out with there friends, there are even some teachers that find it terrible. But most teachers that don't like giving homework, are too lazy to grade it or just think its pointless. But I would be very happy if I had a year of school that none of the teachers gave out assignments to the students, which allows kids to become much much more social with there friends. Homework is really a pain in the ass, having to bring different books with you, unless you keep them at home.
   Now I understand the point of teachers giving homework, so we could learn. But homework encourages students to not want to learn, because of the large amounts of assignments given to us. Especially in high school, where you could be given a large project and a ton of homework all due on the same day and that day there might also be a test, such a hassle for students. One of my current teachers has a saying that "All students learn at a different rate, so they should be given all the time they want." but still gives us a mountain of homework and a quiz every two days.... Sometimes I just don't understand teachers, but its just life and you got to deal with the homework....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] Steve Jobs and his advice

   Steve Jobs was a very innovative man, creating the iPod and other electronics such as the iPad which was one of the most revolutionary computers to be built. By his advice, telling people to live there life as if there life were to end sooner then they had thought. If my life were close to ending, I would do everything that I thought would end my life or everything that I was afraid of. Making the choices that I always declined, would completely change my life. While Jobs was living his life, doing what he loved as he had already known that he was soon to die. From Steve's advice, it seems as if he were trying to tell everyone, including himself to be happy throughout their life and live like never before.
   It takes courage to do all of the activities you thought about, but never tried doing. To live life as if it were your last couple of days seems too hectic, but if you thought to yourself that you just might not be able to ever do it again, you'll think twice and might end up doing it. The movie Keith, by Todd Kesler, is a movie that is so similar to Jobs advice. Steve Jobs was one of the most innovative people to live, pushing himself to the fullest since he was doing what he loved. Even though he was a dropout in college, he still made a difference to people by producing some of the hottest stuff on the market. Now if we could influence people from Jobs advice, but to do the right things that help themselves and other people, this world could be a whole different world. I never would have thought about doing things as if it were my last day to live. Because to me I wouldn't be in school or even doing this.... I would put it as an experience that I might be able to do again. But, Steve was very happy with his thought and put it out to carry on with his own life. Many people didn't think of Steve Jobs as a very important person, until he died.
   Hopefully Apple will continue with there path to complete Steve's life and work for the industry. After his death, I have noticed many billboards with many of Jobs quotes, thinking to myself Steve was a very important man.... I myself have an iPod touch, which many others do as well, but when I look, listen to my music, and do all of the other activities I do with it, I sometimes think how someone like Steve, took the time to find out what people needed and make everything as much simple as anything could be. From now on I might wake up and think about the things I could do before I die. But I wont die until a while, and maybe you might think about it also and you can make a difference with just saying yes. You could make a difference to yourself and maybe people around you...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] I'm Trapped

   A young man wakes up, from a long sleep. Waking up and finding himself in a pitch black room, chills crawling up his spine as he looks around finding nothing but darkness. Seeming as if it were a dream, while he felt his face to see and finds out its as real as can be. Taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down, he notices his breath is cold like ice. Trapped surrounded by who knows what, he walks around the room trying to find something like a wall or switch to turn on the lights. His heart racing and a "cling" a sound like metal hitting the wall, he reaches toward the ground and feels stone, cold stone. Reaching towards the sound, he feels something smooth, picking it up and grasping it he cuts himself, a sharp pain going through his hand, he screams. The sound echoes throughout the dark hall.
   He falls onto his knees grabbing his hand trying to stop the gooey blood from leaving his body. Tearing off a piece of his shirt and wrapping over the cut, he continues to walk. Each step feels like a mile, his legs falling over his feet, extremely tired, but won't give up until he finds a way to escape this Hell. Hours pass and he still can't find out where to go, it feels like he's gone in circles. Trying to feel for the walls, but he slips and falls, getting back up trying to look for the damn wall, but it just continues. The hallway seems much colder than before, shaking from being so cold, he sits down and rolls into a ball to keep himself warm. In his mind, he's thinking "I'm gona die" but his body still pushes for the exit.
   Grrrrr, noticing a sound, he has no clue from which direction the sound came from. But he doesn't know that the sound was his own stomach growling, he was becoming hungry. His throat also begins to dry up gasping in need of water, all he can do is spit his saliva into his hands and drink it. Thinking about how he got here and why they chose him. Walking further and further he feels as if he were to die in just minutes and then he beings to become paranoid, hearing screeching through his ears it feels like something is breathing against his neck, ready to jump and devour him. Terrified he begins to run and sweat, he can't feel his legs, running and running. He turns around to see nor hear anything, turning around and continues to walk, when suddenly "doonk" he hits head against something and falls over on his back. Feeling his head a bump had lied on his forehead.
   Reaching out for what might have hit him, he notices the wall dropped, to the point to where he must crouch through the path. Minutes later, his knees begin to ache, when will this tiring pain stop. Mean while, he catches his breath panting hard not in control of his breathing, once he looks up he notices a small orange light. Again he begins to sprint, but instead towards an object. Every step the light begins to become smaller and smaller, eventually he reached the light! Until he notices he was in a vast forest crawling with trees, night is coming and darkness is on its way again. He falls in sadness and deep deep rage, will he survive this forest, will he make his way home or will he die from starvation......

[CE] Seperate

   An incredible separation to help two babies stay alive... A crazy surgery was done to two Sudanese children, both born together and born conjoined. The video that is linked, was a big eye opener for me, I never would have ever expected watching a video of a pair of twins being separated. The 11 month children were conjoined by the head, which I thought was very interesting. Knowing that a procedure like this, is a complete 1 in a 1,000,000 is breath taking. The surgeons and parents are both very brave to put this to the test risking the two children for life or death and of course amazingly they managed to survive.
   If I had twins and they were conjoined by the head or anywhere, I would be highly terrified and scared for the two children. To know that from the DNA and certain genes and cells the children may be born in a way to the point where they are conjoined. But I hope that my children in the future will hopefully not be conjoined, if so then I would do everything to try and get them separated. The surgery for this, must be a fortune, knowing that it'd take hours and every drop of sweat to get this procedure done correct and safely. To conclude this eye bobbling blog, I would hope that all conjoined twins will make it through an incredible surgery or process to help them and parents be happy.... and this concludes my current events post, goodbye now.

Monday, September 19, 2011

[Re] Call of Duty

Call of Duty is one of the most successful game franchises of all time.  It is in the same division as franchises such a Mario and Pokemon.  Call of Duty was a huge leap in the category of first person shooters.  Infinity Ward, one of the makers of the games, revolutionized first person shooters when they released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
    This is a quote from Justin's blog about the incredible hit series Call of Duty. And everything about this quote is exact about this hit game, from the time Call of Duty 4 was released for both systems XBOX and PS3, it has made its way to some of the largest debuts in the gaming industry. In gaming first person shooters were the original, but yet one of the most difficult to produce, but yet Infinity Ward managed to design this game outstandingly. Call of Duty which is in my top 3 most favorite games, was breath-taking millions of people are always eager to play this game. The campaign that Infinity Ward and Activision designers of World at War and Black Ops, had created each had an amazing fast paced campaign. Each game had a story based on Iraq, World War II, Afghanistan, and from Black Ops, the Vietnam War.
    The next Call of Duty to hit this series will be Modern Warfare 3, which again will revolutionize the franchise. With additional options and upping the before Modern Warfare, by adding more options and improving with its based items. This game, uses the same engine used to create MW2, which to my opinion was the best out of the series yet. But adding on to this there is an incredible feel to the movement in the character and weapon. In early November this game will be released, after finding out how Justin and I thought of this franchise, I would like you to say how you like it....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free: XBOX or PS3

   The argument, between the two most popular gaming systems out there. Towards my opinion, I believe that XBOX is the best between the two, everyone complains about the PS3 controller being to small and so do the Play Station players. XBOX has the perfect size controller and it feels perfect to the touch, the controllers are rounded so they have a more better grip to it. Graphics on both consoles vary though, it all depends if you have an HDMI cable, which enhances the definition of the visual quality. Yes even though you must pay 60$ to play a year of XBOX Live and PS3 is free, XBOX has fire wall, so it is almost unhackable. Unlike the PS3 which has been hacked by dumb people who try to receive money to give back the servers.
   Now I'm not hating on the PS3, which some people might think I am doing, but I myself own a PS3 and to me PS3 does have incredible graphics and has some games that are better than 360 games. But as myself I just prefer the XBOX over the PS3, because I'm just so used to it, so everyone stop pissing about which console is better, just play the damn game.... More features are put in the XBOX and one of the best features the system has is the XBOX Live party. This feature allows you to be in a party with 7 other people and allows all of you to interact with each other, this feature was not put in for the Play Station, which is unfortunate. Now enough of this arguing about the systems, I'm pretty sure you all know which system I prefer and I would love to know which system you prefer more.... XBOX or PS3?

Friday, September 9, 2011

School is Cool

      Some say that school, is the most boring and worst thing ever. I believe that school is actually somewhat "Cool", the way you act and picture school is what makes a person think that school is stupid or time wasting. I imagine it as a place to make new friends and create some knowledge from the oh so boring thing called LEARNING. School is there for a reason, not as a prison or place to throw crap loads of work at you, the reason why they give us students all this work is so we can learn for reality. You can still talk to friends and socialize, but at the same time know whats going on in the classroom!
      When you actually pay attention in class, you know that you're making a difference to yourself, allowing yourself to becoming stronger and better with that knowledge. You can also make a difference to your friends by allowing to follow your incredible attitude at school. Now what does this have to do with school being cool? You'll notice a difference between how you were before hating school, to knowing that you are using school the way it should be. Take advantage of this, get it out of the way and you'll be prepared for school!!!! Do this to make yourself a better person, do it for YOU!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi I'm Nick.....

      Hello world, I'm a teenage boy named Nick! I would like to introduce myself to all of you! I was born in the incredible city of Oakland California, which is known as the Bay Area. I was born on November 27, 1996, which was Thanksgiving Holiday, making me a thankful gift upon my parents. When I was born my parents were living in Oakland, but not together, two years after I was born my parents had unfortunately split up. At the age of 4 I was put in elementary at Bay Farm Elementary school in Alameda, you might be wondering why there when I lived in Oakland right? Well it was really close to my grandparents house where they took care of me, while my mom and step father were at work.
      In the second grade we had moved even farther from Bay Farm all the way to San Leandro, where I still had gone to Bay Farm School. At the fourth grade I finally moved to Bay Farm and lived on Bay Farm ever since. Well enough about me living everywhere, me time now, I'm 14 years old a sophomore at Alameda High School and I hate school. But I just go with it and try not to complain about how horrible it is, which is a struggle but at least I have friends to talk to while time is passing. Lets see, I LOVE cars, some people find it weird how cars are really interesting, but I grew up with cars, toy cars and real cars. I don't like all cars, but Ferrari's, Lamborghini's are the cars that I love, its my passion. Most of the knowledge in my head is probably about cars or music, which is another incredible topic that everyone loves.
      Hobbies, I'm honestly not that active of a person, I enjoy playing Call of Duty when there is nothing to do or hang out with my friends. I find it difficult to decide who to hang out with though, it'll take me at least 15 minutes to decide on anything I would want to do and whatever happens I'm fine with. Sports aren't that big to me, but I try to stay skinny at least or at my average weight for my height. If I were to choose a sport to play though it'd be basketball, basketball is honestly one of the biggest and popular sports out there! Everyone discusses about basketball, its a sport that uses all of your muscles, but all sports do and its some what fast paced which I like actually. 
      Well to finish my first blog, I would like to say I am tired and want to go to sleep, because I love sleeping like all teens do. I'm glad to let the world know who I am by introducing myself and would like to read other peoples blogs about themselves and other topics they have to offer. Once again I'm Nick and I will now go to sleep, so goodbye and goodnight.....